Air pollution is a term that likely refer to industrial smoke from banks of chimney stacks emitting smoke into the atmosphere. Those are certainly examples of air pollution but the forgotten truth is that the worst air quality you experience every day is located right in your indoor environment. It can be pollutants from gases, animals, appliances, and materials, and while many of them have no smell and can’t be seen, they can create numerous short and long-term health problems.

Trapped, stagnant air, excess moisture and poor ventilation combine to create a toxic cloud in an indoor area. The unhealthy indoor air also consists of wide range of volatile organic compounds VOCs such as formaldehyde - Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable gas at room temperature, chemical that is used in building materials and to produce many household products like glues, paints and coatings, fertilizers and pesticides. Exposure to formaldehyde may cause adverse health effects. Most of us aware of dangerous gases outdoor but we us didn’t realise this dangerous gases like carbon monoxide also present indoor. Source of carbon monoxide that presence indoor is from gas stoves, tobacco smoke, charcoal grills, etc. 

Here’s FACTS everyone should know about indoor air pollutants that we never realise affected us: 

1. IAQ is a Top 5 Health Risk

There are many reasons to why this is the case, including poor ventilation, the burning of toxic candles, use of air fresheners, chemical laden household cleaners, and more. Indoor air pollutants were generally 2 to 5 times greater than outdoor pollution levels.

2. Air Fresheners are POISON to you!

Most air fresheners contain phthalates, noxious chemicals known to disrupt hormone function in babies and children, interfere with reproductive development, and aggravate respiratory ailments such as asthma. In a recent study found the compound released by air fresheners interact with ozone to form compounds like formaldehyde and acetone at concentrations which can cause respiratory sensitivity and airflow limitation.

3. Candles are No Better than Air Fresheners

Most candles are made of paraffin wax, a highly toxic benzene and toluene when it burned known carcinogens - a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue. These candles also contain hydrocarbons called alkanes and alkenes (chemicals found in car exhaust). When you burn toxic candles in your home, you’re releasing toxic chemicals, don’t do it! If you want to purchase candles, choose soy or beeswax-based and scented with pure essential oils.

4. Inkjet Printers Release Fertility-Robbing Chemicals

Printing inks, like those used in home printers, contain glymes - industrial chemicals that been linked to developmental and reproductive damage.

5. Did you know wood Smoke Slows Immune Response?

Open burning in Malaysia are blatantly continuing especially among farmers for their farming activities and residential areas burn their garden waste and rubbish. Research shows that regular inhalation of wood smoke limits immune activity and function. The smoke from burning will penetrate to house and affected the household air if inadequate air ventilation.

Detox your indoor air by reducing pollution goods, you can be removing as many of the existing air pollutants in your indoor as possible. This will involve extensive, but certainly not difficult, cleaning measures to remove the dander, chemicals, and toxins that have found a resting place in the home.

Start by simply letting in some fresh air. Ventilation is one of the most-effective, simplest, and quickest steps you can take. While it may be extremely hot or frigidly cold outside, allowing some fresh air to blow into the home, even if it’s just for a minute, can add much-needed oxygen and dilute some of the harmful pollutants.


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